• s 6.12.2023. - 6.1.2024.

Lošinj Christmas Market

Experience an unforgettable Advent on Lošinj!

The most beautiful Christmas story is coming to the island of vitality this year, and all the islanders and guests can expect a varied pastime full of surprises.

In addition to appropriate Christmas houses located on the town square of Malošinj, the City and the Tourist Board of the City of Mali Lošinj, in cooperation with numerous partners, have prepared daily cultural and entertainment events intended for all generations. Decorating pine trees, and even underwater ones, then animation for children, music, drama, recitation, dance and entertainment programs as well as humanitarian actions, football tournaments and theater performances - are part of this year's Advent on Lošinj.

*The Christmas Market takes place at the Saint Joseph Square in Mali Lošinj from December 7th to December 31st, where you can purchase various domestic products and handicrafts from the authors of Lošinj local products!


 Saturday, 2.12.
Lighting and blessing of the First Advent candle, Mali Lošinj, 
Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 18:30
Lignjada - 
Organized price competition in squid fishing, local festival with music and a tasting menu of Susak recipes, Susak island, Expatriate Club, at 11:00

Tuesday, 5.12.
Advent Jazz Fairy Tale by the Ružić brothers - Concert, Mali Lošinj, Museum of Apoxyomenos, at 19:00

Wednesday, 6.12.
St. Nicholas on Nerezinac Lugger, Mali Lošinj, port, at 10:30
St. Nicholas in Ćunski - mass & gathering, Ćunski, in front of the church, at 17:00
St. Nicholas on Susak - 
mass & gathering  Celebration of the Feast of Susak's Patron Saint Nicholas, Susak island
Association Salbun is celebrating it's 1th B- Day, Susak
St. Nicholas- Holy Mass, Mali Lošinj, St. Nicholas Church, at 17:00

Thursday, 7.12.
Opening of the exhibition  by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Museum of Apoxyomenos, at 17:00
Opening of the program organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 18:00

Friday, 8.12.
Walter Fuego Concert, Mali Lošinj, (main square) at 21:00

Saturday, 9.12.
Magic Guitars Concert, Mali Lošinj, (main square) at 10:00
weet Snacks" humanitarian action, Rotary & Rotaract Lošinj, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square),10:00-13:00 & 17:00-
61st Spearfishing New Year's Cup - weighing the catch, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 18:00
Lighting and blessing of the Second Advent candle, Mali Lošinj, Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 18:30
"Sushi & Vine" - Days of Japanese Cuisine by Matsunoki & Borik, Trg RH (main square), from 13:00
Koncert Infinity band Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:00

Sunday, 10.12
raditional fish specialty from 'the pot', Trg RH (main square), from 13:00

Monday, 11.12.
Sinking of a Christmas tree, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 18:00
"Sweet Snacks" humanitarian action, Rotary & Rotaract Lošinj, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), 17:30-20:00 

Tuesday, 12.12.
Nadal Lussignan - program of the Community of Italians Mali Lošinj, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 17:00

Wednesday, 13.12.
Program organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 19:00
St. Lucy's Feast - Holy Mass in the church of St. Anton, Mali Lošinj at 10:00
Fiat lux - opening of the exhibition of the Photo Club Lošinj, Mali Lošinj, the Fritzi Palace at 19:00

Thursday, 14.12.
Program organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 18:00
DJ Hamdy, 
Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 21:00

Friday, 15.12.
Program organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 19:00
Special Offer & Winery guest by Borik & Alfred Keller, 
Trg RH (main square)
MI3 Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:00 

Saturday, 16.12.
Christmas Race „Od pjace do pjacala“, start of the race - Trg RH (main square), at 11:00
"Sweet Snacks" humanitarian action, Rotary & Rotaract Lošinj, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square),10:00-13:00
"Mići Semanj" - a small fair with a presentation of local products & a second hand shop, Susak, in front of the school, at 15:00
Humanitarian gastronomic event of the Gušt Association, Veli Lošinj, at 17:00
Lighting and blessing of the Third Advent candle, Mali Lošinj, Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 18:30
Venison stew by Borik, Mali Lošinj, 
Trg RH (main square), from 10:30
Gearbox Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:00

Sunday, 17.12.
Trio Veljak, Mali Lošinj, 
Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 18:45 

Monday, 18.12.
Program organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 18:00
Christmas and New Year's Concert
 of the "Josip Kašman" Brass Band, Mali Lošinj, Movie Theater, at 20:00
Ana Verunica & Perfect Strangers Concert,Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:30  

Tuesday, 19.12.
Program organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 18:00
Christmas and New Year's Concert of the "Josip Kašman" Brass Band, Mali Lošinj, Movie Theater, at 20:00
Duo To Go, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:30

Wednesday, 20.12.
Program organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 18:00
Christmas and New Year's Concert of the "Josip Kašman" Brass Band, Mali Lošinj, Movie Theater, at 20:00
Duo Dama & Skitnica, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:30

Thursday, 21.12.
Humanitarian Mini-football tournament, Mali Lošinj, Sports hall Bočac, from 15:00
Humanitarian auction organized by ‘Naša djeca’ Association, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 18:00

Friday, 22.12.
Humanitarian Mini-football tournament, Mali Lošinj, Sports hall Bočac,m from 15:00
Koma atmosfera Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:00

Saturday, 23.12.
Duo to go Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 10:00 - canceled
Sushi & Cocktail by Matsunoki and Borik, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), from 10:30
"Sweet Snacks" humanitarian action, Rotary & Rotaract Lošinj, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), 10:00-13:00
Humanitarian gastronomic event of the Gušt Association, Mali Lošinj, main square10:00 - 14:00

Humanitarian Mini-football tournament - FINALS, Mali Lošinj, Sports hall Bočac, from 15:00
Lighting and blessing of the Forth Advent candle, Mali Lošinj, Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 18:30
Ivana Marić & band - Concert
DJ M- Sea Jay
Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 22:00

Sunday, 24.12.
Moto Santa's, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 11:00
The Christmas Eve Morning, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 11:30
(Special program for children)
Christmas Eve Special "Bakalar Snack", Mali Lošinj, 
Trg RH (main square), from 11:00
Midnight Mass, Mali Lošinj, Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 23:30

Ponedjeljak, 25.12.
Christmas Mass, Mali Lošinj, Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 10:30

Tuesday, 26.12.
Saint Stephen's Day – Holy Mass, Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary,at 8:00, 10:30 and 18:00

Wednesday, 27.12.
Matija Cvek & Funkensteins / Students’ night, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square)
Dj Charly
Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 22:00

Thursday, 28.12.
Catacomba band Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH, main square), at 

Friday, 29.12.
Klapa Čikat Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (
main square), at 21:00

Saturday, 30.12.
New Year's swim & DJ Fredi, Mali Lošinj, Veli žal beach at 12:00 
Macaklini band – Concert, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:00

Sunday, 31.12.
Morning promenade, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 10:00
Gastronomy offer – Halmac Hunting Society
The Holy Family – procession, Trg RH (main square), at 11:30
Ms. Mayor's toast, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square) at 12:00

New Year's Eve  
Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:00


Tuesday, 2.1.
"Get to know our island" organized walk tour around the island, Susak, in front of Primary School, at 10:30

Friday, 5.1.
Tu i tamo band, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH (main square), at 21:00

Event dates are subject to change. 


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