
One feels the rich cultural heritage of the island at every corner. Churches, monasteries, Renaissance buildings, basilicas and remnants from the ancient times can be found all over the island.

An exceptionally rich art collection by Croatian artists donated by Andro Vid and Katarina Mihičić, and a collection by European artists donated by Giuseppe Piperate, are stored at the gallery Fritzi in Mali Lošinj.

Kula (The Tower), a museum-gallery space located in Veli Lošinj,
testifies to the maritime tradition of the island. The permanent exhibition presents the rich history of Lošinj highlighting its famous maritime past. Apart from the permanent exhibition, additional space is provided for occasional art and museum exhibitions.
The discovery of the famous sculpture, presenting APOXSYOMENOS, a Greek athlete, which was found in 1999 in the Lošinj underwater, also testifies to the rich cultural life of the island.

Museum of Apoxyomenos - This unique museum is dedicated to the statue of Apoxyomenos whose story begins at the very entrance in the blue room on the ground floor. The nine scenes of each room offer exquisite sensory experiences. By means of taste, smell, hearing, and vision, the visitors can fully and individually experience the Apoxyomenos, as well as the destination of the island of vitality, one of the most beautiful spots on the Mediterranean.

The town of Osor is in fact an outdoor museum in which artists from all stylistic epochs have left their marks (it includes works by contemporary artists such as Meštrović as well as remnants of ancient walls, forts, and the first Early-Christian basilica). It is a town-museum with gardens and parks in which traces of ancient villas, Renaissance portals and monasteries are hidden. During the summer, this town that represents history and a museum at the same time becomes a unique scene abounding in cultural events among which we put special emphasis on the Osor Musical Evenings.
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Fritzi Gallery - Museum of Lošinj

In the first half of the 19th century the first city administration building – Municipio was built on the site of today's Fritzi Palace. At the end of the 19th century the building was thoroughly restored and adapted into a historical palace with recognizable line of quadrifoliate windows on the main façade. On the first floor the craftsmen from Lošinj redecorated the representative great hall with a gallery. Carved symbols of particular crafts can be seen on the balustrade of the gallery. At the beginning of the 20th  century, the palace functions as Fritzi Guesthouse from which the palace got its name. After the Second World War the Palace was a home of a Public Institution (later under the name Adult Education Centre of Mali Lošinj) finally to become the seat of the newly founded Lošinj Museum in 2007.

Museum of Apoxyomenos

The Museum of Apoxyomenos is a unique archaeological and architectural cultural institution in our region and it is entirely dedicated to only one exhibit – the bronze statue of a young athlete, the Apoxyomenos. The statue was discovered in 1997 by a Belgian tourist at the depth of 45 m. In 1999, it was taken out of the sea where it spent nearly two millennia.

The Archaeological Collection Osor - Museum of Lošinj

The collection was opened to public in 1889 and since then it has been housed in the building of the former City Hall and loggia. It is a Renaissance building from the first half of the 15th century. Other public buildings in the main square, the Bishop’s Palace and the Cathedral, date from the same period. The building was protected as a monument of culture in 1964. 
The Lapidarium is situated inside a spacious loggia, together with the ancient stone fragments, Medieval wicker ornaments and the Renaissance spolias. The items predominantly from the period of the Early Roman Empire are displayed on the first floor of the City Hall.

The Tower - Museum of Lošinj

Freestanding circular Tower in the centre of Veli Lošinj was built in the 15th century, during the first decades of Venetian domination over the eastern Adriatic coast. With thick walls, small openings, and a relatively low in height to withstand cannon fire from the enemy ships, it was defending the inhabitants of Veli Lošinj against pirate raids. 
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