• s 18.2.2023. - 18.2.2023.

Balinjerada - vehicle race under masks

Location: Mali Lošinj, braće Vidulića
Time: 18.2.2023., starting at 2 p.m.

The people of Lošinj love to race and the proof is an exciting race of vehicles on 'balinjeras' or ball bearings – the famous Balinjerada! taking place on Ferbruary 18th, 2023 at 2 PM when various masks will be zipping by on their homemade racers at high speeds .

Balinjerada is one part a speed competition of agility in terms of handling unusual homemade racers, and one part a mask parade representing travelling constructions carnival groups have invested lots of effort and work to make.


We maintain the right to change the aforementioned dates in the events calendar.

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