Massage and Health Improvement Studio

All of Studio Vita’s program is oriented towards health preservation and improvement, incorporating individual physical therapy needs assessment, physical therapy, massages, manual techniques and physical training. Physical therapy consists of treatments such as therapeutic ultrasound, electrotherapy and paraffin baths.
We offer medical massages and lymphatic drainage with autochthonous essential oils, such as lavender, rosemary and pine oils which are excellent for relieving pain and for relaxation. Manual techniques Bowen and Emmett are used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

At our Studio we offer Pilates, yoga, workouts for pregnant women and corrective exercises for children. Both individual and group training are available.

All therapies and workouts are overseen by Ana Banić, Master of Physical Therapy, certified Bowen and Emmett therapists and certified Pilates and yoga instructors.
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